KS1 resources
Starter songs/rhymes
Hello Everyone - greeting song
Can you use your speaking voice? - rhyme with a focus on pulse
Focus on Pulse/Beat
Clap your hands together - an action song to keep the pulse
Mummy Bear she walks like this - song with divisions of beat
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear - rhyme with actions
Chop Chop Choppity Chop - a rhyme focusing on pulse
We are Walking in the Jungle - a short song to keep pulse to.
Up Like a Rocket - rhyme with actions
Can you play your rhythm sticks? - song with rhythm sticks (or hand claps)
What does the clock in the hall say? - a song about divisions of beat
Focus on Pitch
Hey Hey look at me - simple call and response song with actions
Shake the sillies out - a song for keeping the pulse and identifying high/low
Hot Cross Buns - a song using physicality to show pitch
Jack in the Box - a song about high and low using a major triad
Build a house that's very high - a song using a major scale
Chest Chest Knee Toe - song with a focus on pitch
Focus on dynamics/tempo
Slowly Slowly - a song about fast and slow
Transition songs
Everybody Line Up Tutorial - lining up/transition song
More Songs |
Everybody Line up complete song with piano
Everybody Sit Down - sitting down song
Songs about Food (13 mins)
Songs about Meeting People (15 mins)
Walk and Stop - a song about listening for walking and stopping.
Songs about Weather (19 mins)
Songs about Having Fun (15 mins)
Crazy Moose - fun call and response song (Year 2+)
Songs about Animals (18 mins)
Dr Knickabocka - fun song with silly actions (Year 2+)