Wessex Schools Music is partially funded by the schools in the Wessex MAT and their associates.
However, in order to enhance the provision of musical education further for young people in the local area, including the delivery of workshops, cross-school performances, cross-school ensembles, funding minority instrumental lessons and taking professional performers into the schools, we are always looking for other ways to raise funds.
The main aim of Wessex Schools Music is to encourage as many children as possible to engage in music, enjoy it, and to hopefully take it with them into the future as a skill for life.
Become a Friend of Wessex Schools MusicWe are always looking for supporters of music education to help us to maintain (and hopefully develop) the level of services that we are currently able to offer young people in the local area. By becoming a 'Friend of Wessex Music' for the academic year, you will be directly supporting the ensemble provision in the local area by subsidising our groups in order to keep the costs down for parents and allowing more children to access the groups. You will be supporting schemes to help new starters (such as our Tomorrow's Orchestra Programme and Endangered Instrument Programme). You be supporting annual events which take place in our schools such as the 'Instrumental Roadshow' which gives children the chance to see a variety of instruments performed by professionals to inspire them to start learning themselves. You will also be supporting our range of workshops and events throughout the year (such as the Wessex Arts Fest), both for the children who already learn instruments and take part in ensembles and encouraging those who don't yet take part to get involved in the future.
To become a 'Friend of Wessex Music', please either donate online or send a cheque made payable to 'Wessex Multi-Academy Trust' to: Wessex Music, c/o The Thomas Hardye School, Dorchester, DT1 2ET. (or email to [email protected]). If you are able to add gift aid to your donation, then please download the form opposite and send it to us with your donation. The easiest way to do smaller donations is online through GoodHub: If you are wanting to donate more than £50, it would be more beneficial to us if you donate directly to us via cheque or BACs (please contact us if this is the case). |
We are also always on the lookout for sponsors for our concert programmes and volunteers to help at concerts, so please get in touch if you can help in this way too.